Tree removal is a common practice to ensure safety and protect property values. However, it’s essential to understand that each county in Atlanta has its own specific policies and regulations regarding tree service and removal. Whether you’re dealing with dead trees or considering the removal of healthy ones, compliance with local ordinances is crucial.
Permit Required: | A tree removal permit is required for most types of tree removals within the City of Alpharetta. |
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Permit Required: | Yes |
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Permit Required: | Yes |
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Permit Required: | Yes, with exceptions |
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Permit Required: | Yes |
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Permit Required: | A tree removal permit is required for property owners in the city limits of Decatur to remove an untreatably diseased or infested tree/s or to remove a tree/s with moderate or higher risk rating as determined by a certified arborist and that has a target (person or property) present that would be injured or damaged by the tree/s failure. |
Online Resource: | |
Permit Required: | Yes, conditionally and in nonemergency cases |
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Permit Required: | For removal of any tree with a trunk diameter of three (3) inches or more measured at breast height, which normally attains a mature height of fifteen (15) feet or more; and/or For pruning the limbs (branches) of trees that have a trunk diameter of eight (8) inches or more measured at breast height. Click here to read Sec. 5-271 discussing proper pruning methods. |
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Permit Required: | For any hardwood with a diameter at breast height (DBH) of ten inches or greater, softwoods with a DBH of 20 inches or greater, and understory with a DBH of six inches or greater on non-residential, mixed-use, and multi-family zoned lots; and any tree located within the city’s 75-foot stream buffer |
Online Resource: | |
Permit Required: | A homeowner can remove live trees from their occupied property provided they are not location in a required Zoning Buffer, Stream Buffer, Conservation or Open Space, Chattahoochee River Corridor, Tree Save Area, or are a Street Tree. |
Online Resource: | |
Permit Required: | Trees may be removed from properties without City permission as long as they are not specimen trees and are not located in the City’s four Tree Protected Areas (The River Corridor, a Stream Buffer, a Zoning Buffer, a required landscape strip or landscape parking island) |
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Permit Required: | None for homeowners. |
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Permit Required: | Approval from the City Arborist is required to remove any Protected Tree. A Protected Tree is any tree 15” DBH (diameter at breast height) or greater.
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Permit Required: | Yes |
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Permit Required: | A tree removal application is required for the removal of any tree larger than 3 inches in diameter |
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Permit Required: | A Tree Removal Permit is required when a tree meets one of the following categories and is being removed independent of any construction activity:
Any tree 18″ Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) or larger Any Dogwood or Redbud 10″ DBH or larger Any tree located within the Chattahoochee River Corridor (2,000’ from the banks of the Chattahoochee River) Any tree located a within a Stream Buffer (the 75′ protection corridor along designated streams and bodies of water) If a mix of healthy and dead or hazardous trees will be removed, a Tree Removal Permit is still required. |
Online Resource: | |
Permit Required: | Yes, conditionally (for trees 24″ in diameter or larger on properties without development activity, as well as changes to specimen tree specifications and recompense) |
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Permit Required: | Yes |
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