Free Wood Chips

ArborForce Tree Services typically chips removal debris during the clean up process of every project. We encourage homeowners to take advantage of the mulching byproduct from this process, but often they request that we haul it away. Much of this, regrettably ends up in landfills. We would prefer to be a more eco-friendly business within our industry and would love to find places where it could be more beneficial. Chipped tree debris is a great landscaping tool that can help trees and shrubs as the weather turns warmer and dryer. Mulch helps landscaping retain the moisture and as it decomposes, it adds vital nutrients back into the soil. So, consider asking us to leave the chips, you’ll love the look and your landscaping will thank you too.

Unfortunately, it is not too eco-friendly to drive around town delivering wood chips. But, if you see one of our trucks in your neighborhood feel free to stop and ask us to drop a load by your house.


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